Knowledge Box

Global Deployment Solutions

Knowledge Box


Journal is a online document shared on daily basis with the users. It will be comprehensive updation of the user along with knowledge sharing on the subje ct matter. It will enhance the user about:

i. Case Laws,

ii. Host and Home Country Laws related to Expatriates,

iii. Daily Updates

iv. Others

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Newsletter Knowledge Box

Newsletter are fortnightly update document containing anything and everything about the Expatriates.

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Looking into the importance of expatriates, it is essential for the organisation heads and expatriates to meet, discuss, analyse, strategise and nurture expatriates to make a conducive environment for the expatriates.

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    I would like to discuss:

    Expatriate employees should be nurtured the most as they not only bring the expertise to the organisation but also different work culture from different countries. An organisation can bloom a lot if expatriates are taken care of in right manner.

    For the same, we introduce our product training.

    We provide training to the HR of the MNCs dealing with expatriates to ensure:

    • A conducive environment for the expatriate,
    • Benefits available to expatriate are passed on to the expatriate, and
    • Others

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