Business Strategies

Entry Structuring

Global Solutions is your one-stop getaway to get all assistance on Entry Strategies in India as well as outside India.​​

  • Entry Strategies in India

We provide assistance in registration of entry vehicle in India being Liaison office, Branch office, Project office, wholly owned subsidiary, Joint ventures, other investment vehicles like REITS, INviTs. Complete assistance in making Inbound transactions involving structuring, reporting, drafting of agreements, formulation of exit strategy.​​

  • Entry Strategies overseas

Want to establish a business outside India? Finding difficulties in entering into world market?

We are here to guide and advise you about ways in which you can enter into world market in the most cost-effective manner.

​​Business Structuring Services

Is your existing operating model not working effectively? Are you ready with your business plan but confused on ways to execute it? There is a one stop solution to all this – Taxpert Global Solutions.

To ensure better results make sure you invest your maximum time in structuring your business well. A variety of cost reduction and transformation trends are defining the business operations of the future. We provide assistance in designing and implementing changes in operating models to deliver performance improvement with tax-effective structure.

We assist in tax Structuring to minimise the tax exposure with respect to Income Tax Act, 1961 and Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements between India and various countries.

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